1 FEBRUARY 1908, Page 3

The Daily Chronicle has published several valuable opinions from representatives

of Trade-Unionism and Co-operation on the situation created by the Socialist resolution passed at Hull. Both Mr. Richard .Bell, M.P., secretary to the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants, and Mr. Edward Owen Greening, for fifty years one of the leaders of the Co-operative movement, agree in strongly deprecating the Socialist domination of a party primarily representing Trade. Unionists of all shades of political opinion. Even more striking is the testimony of Mr. Maddison, the Labour Member for Burnley, given in the Daily Chronicle of Monday. Mr. Maddison welcomes the Hull resolution as exposing the opportunism of the I.L.P. leaders, and quotes the frank comment of Mr. Blatchford, the Socialist editor of the Clarion :—" The I.L.P. have hauled down the Socialist flag in order to get their men into Parliament as Labour men, and with Trade-Union money, and now they are in Parliament we are told that they can do very little because of the forms of the House." Mr. Maddison proceeds to assert that of the total sum of £8,594 subscribed to the Parliamentary fund of the Labour Party, only £189 comes from the two Socialist societies, and that in return for this £189 no fewer than seven official candidates of the I.L.P. are now in receipt of £200 a year each.