(To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR:1 the postscript to his letter (Spectator, January 25th) "A United Free-Trader" says "As the Union is not in danger at present, Unionists would sacrifice nothing by uniting with the Free-trade party at present in power." I venture to say that no more inaccurate statement has ever appeared in your columns. Ask any Unionist resident in Ireland, and he will tell you that the Union has never been in greater danger than at the present time, when Home-rule "by instalments" is the acknowledged and insidious policy of the Government. Indeed, it seems almost possible that the absolute negation of the functions of government under the present Administration is intended to make Irish loyalists say "Home-rule could not be worse than the present absence of any rule," and thus to obtain their assent to political suicide. Sir, it is inconceivable that any Unionist, whatever his views about Free-trade or Tariff Reform, should sacrifice his convictions as to the main- tenance of the Union by becoming a party to the unholy alliance suggested by your correspondent.—I am, Sir, &c., Nullamore, Milltown, Co. Dublin. D. C. COURTNEY.
[We do not believe that there is the slightest danger of Unionist Free-traders neglecting their duty to the Union. They are pledged quite as strongly to its maintenance as to the support of Free-trade. Neither obligation will be for- gotten.—En. Spectator.]