SIR ERIC GEDDES, who'is said by his friends to have an unlimited capacity for work, should find enough to do as Minister of Ways and Conmmnications, if the Bill intro- duced into the House of Commons on Wednesday becomes law and the new Department is created for him. The Home Secretary explained that the Department would control all the railways, tramways, canals and waterways, roads and bridges, in the United Kingdom, and would also supervise the supply of electricity on which the transport services largely depend. The Government, he said, had not decided whether the railways ought to be nationalized—though Mr. Churchill in December last said that they had done so—but would con- tinue to control the railwaya for two years after the Pesci.. Cheap transport was essential to the country, and could only be obtained by co-ordination—a blessed word like Mesopo. tamia—under a single Department.