Lord Jelliooe's Book.
Its Tat Emma or ens " SPECTATOR...] S1E,—With reference to your interesting review of Lord Je11iooe's book, The Grand Fleet, 1914-16, I think you COD,Oy a wrong impression of......
"the Navy In Battle."
(To THE Enna. Or THE SPECTATOR.") Soo,—Mr. Arthur Pollen in his reply to "Commander, R.N.," defends his criticism of Lord Jellieoe under the Idea that every one who criticizes......
Labour Demands In The Coal Trade.
ITo THE EDITOR. or TEE SPECUTOR."1 Sta,—It is just as well that the public should know what the recent demand of the miners 'for a 30 per cent. increase of wages together with......
The Lloyd George-asquith Correspondence. Lto The Error Or...
Soe,—In common doubtless with many readers of the Spec- tator, I have for years been a profound admirer of the mental agility displayed, on numerous occasions, by Mr. Asquith.......