Catalogue Of The Le Blond Collection Of Corean Pottery. By
Bernard Beckham. (Victoria and Albert Museum. 3s. 6d.)— Since the Japanese occupation of Corea, it has been possible to examine the ancient cemeteries of the country and to......
Federal Military Pensions In The United Motes. By W. H.
Classon. (Oxford University Press. 10s. 6d. net.)—Under the auspices of the Carnegie Endowment, Professor Giessen, of Trinity College, North Carolina, has written a candid and......
A Broken Journey. By Mary Gaunt. (t. Werner Laurie. 18s.
not.)—This interesting book of travel describes a journey in 1913.14 through remote Shansi, to the west of Peking, and then through Eastern Siberia to Saghalien. The author......
Notes On The Diplomatic History Of The Jewish Question. By
Lucien Wolf. (Spottiewoode, Ballantyne, and Co., for the Jewish Historical Society. 10s. 6d.)—There is much curious matter in this book, which is designed to help the Peace Con-......