Points: (1) The Majority Of These Animals Have Been Clipped
and are accustomed to being rugged up. when not at work; therefore they will suffer horribly if turned out, especially during the cold weather. (2) Army draught-horses are not......
Rulers And Servants.
(To THE Emcee or me "Strzersres."1 Sia,—The able if somewhat apologetic article under this heading in your issue of February 15th, like the curate's egg, is good in parts, but......
Society For Promoting The Employment Of Women.
ITS TIM Emma or THE " SPECTATOR "I Sur,—At this moment when the question of the after training of educated women about to be demobilized from the various Government offices and......
The League Of Nations.
[To THE EDITOR OF ERR SPECTATOR."1 Sie,—As a constant reader of the Spectator, and one who thinks that the principle for whirls Great Britain fought co hard in the war has not......
Social Service In London.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SEELTATOR."1 Sts,—Men and women who here been trained and disciplined by war are coming home, not only to their industrial, com- mercial, and professional......