Raonsar•s Nover.s.—The Curious Friends. By C. J. Dela. grave. (Allen
and Unwin. 6s.)—A fanciful story relating to an innocent secret society of which the members are children and their friends and well-wishers. The hero is a very attractive small boy whom the reader, considering his upbringing, will leave with some uneasiness on his way to his first boarding school—The Adorable Lad. By Kahle Howard. (Andrew Melrose. 68.)—A series of sketches concerned with love in war time. The two spy stories are the beat in the book. The Upward Flight. By Mrs. Kenneth Combe. (Skeffingtons. Os. 9d. net.)—A story of two heroines, one quite young, the other of an elder generation. The aunt is charming, but the niece is a most unpleasant and self-satisfied young woman.