Christian Forsyth of Ftngolaad. By W. P. Livingstone. (Hodder and
Stoughton. 5s. net.)--What a woman can do, alone and unaided, in the mission-field is shown in this curiously interesting book. Mrs. Forsyth, revisiting South Africa with her husband, wee left a widow after a year of married life. She had had some experience as a missionary under the Scottish Board, and she asked to be sent to a remote district where she could work by herself. She was assigned to Xolobe in Fingoland„ " a wild region of unbroken heathenism." She remained them for over thirty years, from 1885 to 1916. " Xolobe is now a fully organized mission-station with a fine church building, a day school with four teachers and an attendance of about a hundred and forty," and so on—all the product of this lonely woman's patient devotion. The story is well worth reading.