It Is only right that Mr. Asquith'e disclaimer should be
widely known. In a• letter which wo published last week Captain
Frederick Guest, the Coalition Liberal Whip, said of the staM- merit by the editor of the Atlantic Monthly:—
" This.perfoctly frank statement, as your readers will see, not only disposes of all the arguments of your ' detective,' but shows that your equally confident declarations as to the source from which the Manchester Guardian derived the authority which enabled it to say that the letters as published were correct,' must be regarded as completely uneetablished and dubious."
There 801:11118 to bo plenty of work for our detective still. Mean- while a correspondent draws our attention to the-fact that it is stated in the Sphere that the lettere were originally circulated in this country by Lord Beaverbrook. But much more important than the work of discovering the culprit is that of impressing upon politicians the fact, which many of them do not seem in the least to appreciate, that the betrayal of Cabinet secrete is an outrage, and that government would become an impossibility if such outrages were often committed.