[To THE EDIToa or nu ”13rxerrroa.1 Sm,—May I call the attention of your readers to the series d advanced lectures in French on the history of Belgium by M. Emile Cammaerta, the distinguished Belgian poet and liltdrateur, which are being held at Queen's College, Harley Street, W., on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. P The Brat lecture warn held last Wednesday ; the dates and subjects of the remaining three are as follows May 5th, "Lee Grandes Communes Beige. au. Moycn Age "; May 12th, "La Belgique sous lee Dues de Bourgogne "; May lath, "La Belgique Moderns." Tickets may be obtained from the Secretary, 43 Barley Street, W. Prices: 3u6d. per single lecture or 10s. 6d. for the course.—I am, Sir, Ise., Z.