1 MAY 1915, page 12
Belgian Repatriation.
[To ens Enrron or nr. “Brecraroa."1 Sin,—It is announced that a Union has been formed of the various Associations interested in Belgian repatriation. This is not only a hopeful......
Blinded Soldiers And Sailors. [to Vas Ernes Or Vex...
Sra,—Since you were so kind as to publish a communication from me with regard to the steps that are being taken to help soldiers and sailors who have lost their sight in the......
The Pope And The War.
[To vas Eons. or 77r1 "sroerorsn."J Sin,—In your issue of April 17th there is a leading article, and there is also a letter, both on the subject of the Pope's neutrality in......