The Ground Is Very Difficult, Being A Tumble Of Steep
hills, but if our troops can work up towards Bulair, their right protected by our warships in the Straits and their left by our ships in the Gulf of Same, our military position......
We Much Regret To Record The Destruction Of The French
Lion Gambetta; which was torpedoed in the Adriatic by an Austrian submarine at 1 a.m. on Tuesday. The ship sank within some ten minutes, and the lose of life was very heavy,......
One, Or Possibly Two, German Airships Appeared Over...
midnight on Thursday and dropped a number of bombs, apparently chiefly of an incendiary character, which set fire to several houses and buildings. Though the houses burned......
The Accounts From The Dardanelles Are Distinctly Encour....
Tuesday the British portion of the Expeditionary Force landed on the point of the Gallipoli Peninsula—i.e., on the European side—while the French landed an the Asian side, and......
If The Government Had Asked The People For An Act
of self- sacrifice in order to give our soldiers the maximum of support, they would have received an instant response. Every glass would have been turned down empty till the war......
The Government Plans For Dealing With The Liquor Problem...
ended, as we feared, in "a moist relentment" of small beer and large taxation. Mr. Lloyd George, whom we must entirely exempt from our condemnation of the Govern- ment's......
On The Whole, Things Have A Good Look, And Wo
believe that our next issue will show how greatly the power of the Navy is increased in operations like those at the Dardanelles by the cooperation of a competent land force.......
There Is Nothing To Report In Regard To Naval Matters
in the North Sea, except that the so-called German blockade by submarines has become weaker and weaker. Indeed, it can hardly now be called more than a danger and annoyance to......
As We Have Said, We Do Not Desire To Condemn
Ida Lloyd George. He tried and failed, bet he tried hard. On the contrary, we desire to express our unstinted admiration for the courage with which he spoke out and told the......
The Folly Of The Government's Handling Of The Problem Is
clearly seen in the Chancelloe's speech. He showed by figures which cannot be denied how free drinking facili- ties, pins high earnings, have impeded the essential war work, bow......