In An "interview" In The New York World, And In
a lecture at Brooklyn, Herr Hamburg declared that Germany would not give up Belgium, or the parts of France and Poland which she occupies, unlese she were allowed to expand......
The Papers Of Monday Published A List Of Thirty-nine British
officers who have been placed under arrest as a reprisal for the treatment of German submarine crews in England. The names, which were ascertained by the American Ambassador in......
Mr. Asquith Made The Following Very Important Statement,...
received with loud approval: " When we come to an end of this war we shall not forget this horrible record of calculated cruelty and crime; we shall hold it to be our duty to......
The Following Is The Summary Of The Proposals Outlined By
the Chancellor of the Exchequer published in Friday's Times :— The duty on spirits is to be doubled. There is to be a graded surtax on beers containing over 7 per cent. of proof......
What Little Activity Has Been Noticeable Among The German...
lately seems to have taken the peculiarly brutal forme of sinking trawlers. In all previous wars fishermen have been exempt from attaok. On Thursday week the steam trawler ' St.......
In The Commons On Wednesday Mr. Hobhonae Made A Statement
on the affairs of the Post Office. He had expected a profit of five and a half millions, but owing to the war the surplus was only three and a quarter millions. The revenue had......
On Tuesday Both Houses Of Parliament Discussed The...
published in the recent White Paper as to the treatment of British prisoners of war in Germany. In the Lords, Lord Kitchener spoke with much feeling of the dis- graceful......
In The Commons On The Same Day Mr. Churchill Defended
the Admiralty announcement as to the treatment of submarine prisoners which had caused the German Government to take reprisal, on thirty-nine British officers. It was necessary......
As We Have Said, We Do Not Desire To Condemn
Ida Lloyd George. He tried and failed, bet he tried hard. On the contrary, we desire to express our unstinted admiration for the courage with which he spoke out and told the......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Per Cent.
Aug. 8th.......