NEW Enrnows.—In the "Oxford Miniature Edition," Aurora Leigh, and other
Poems, by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (H. Frowde, 3s. 6d.), a charming little volume ; A Budget of Anecdotes, collected and arranged by George Seton, M.A. (Chapman and Hall, Ss. net), and Boy, by Helen Milman (Griffith, Farran, and Co., 3s. 6d.)—A useful volume for young readers will be found in A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales, by Jonathan Nield (Elkin Mathews, 69. net.) Mr. Nield is possibly a little too wide in his choice, but the idea of the book, the arranging of historical tales according to centuries, is a good one and worked out with much care.—Four Modern Naval Campaigns. By Sir William Laird Cloves. (Unit Library. Is. Id. net.)—This contains a selection from Sir W. L. Clowes's "Naval History." The four are "The Campaign of Lissa," "The War Between Chili and Peru," "The Chilian Revolutionary War," "The Attempted Bevolutionazy War."