The Late Padre Jacques Issaverdens.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "8PECTLTOR.1 Sin,-Will you kindly insert this letter to say that Padre Jacques L3saverdens, the courteous and learned Armenian Father, known to so many......
A Correction.
pro THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:I Snz,—Permit us . to point out that there is a sentence in the review of "The Cathedrals of Great Britain" in your last issue that is apt to......
The Secret Transmission Of News. [to The Editor Of The
"SpEcTAToa."] Snz,—I was very much interested in the article in your issue of August 16th on the secret transmission of news, and think the writer of it may be interested in the......
Church And Reform.
[To TEE EDITOR 0/, THE "SFECTAT01.1 Szs,—In reply to your reviewer, who says (Spectator, October 4th) that the House of Lords did not definitely reject the proposition that......
B.rougham And Byron.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIB,—The subjoined entry settles, I think, the doubt about Brougham's authorship of the article alluded to in your subleader on the Edinburgh......
Undergraduates' Rooms.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPEOTATOR.1 am not surprised that "An American Mother," writing in a recent number of the Times, is disgusted with the ahabbi. ness of undergraduates'......