, The Danes Appear To Have Given Up Their Last
lingering hopes of recovering North Schleswig, and to be anxious to renew their old friendly relations with Germany. The Crown Prince has accordingly paid a visit to Potsdam,......
News Of The Week.
T HE pageant of Saturday last, which had been looked for- ward to on several accounts with some anxiety, was a complete success. The weather was propitious, the King and Queen......
Although Colonel Swayne Has Arrived At Berbera, And Is Able
to announce that his force is safe, the Mullah having evidently feared to pursue him, it has been decided, we think wisely, to send a larger expedition against that pertinacious......
There Has Been Some Feeling That Pageants Have Of Late
been a little too numerous ; but it is not, we think, altogether well founded. Although we hold strongly, as Queen Victoria also held, that a certain habitual seclusion is......
The Procession To St. Paul's On Sunday To Offer A
thanks- giving for the King's recovery was a much quieter affair, as the rain kept back the crowds; but the scene within the Cathedral was one of historic grandeur, and the......
1 1 1,e *prrtator
No. 3,879.1 FOR THE WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1902. r atirrsuri Al A PRICE... ....SD. Nswsrarcs. BY POST r POSTAGE ABROAD 1 D.......