• King Oscar And The United States. [to The Editor
OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 Sire—In your "News of the Week" (Spectator, October 25th), referring to the case between Germany and the United States, you say that "the American irritation......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator.") Sin,—in The Article...
in the Spectator of October 25th, in which you generously give credit to the Brigade of Guards for good work done in South Africa, there is an expression which does not affect......
Wa Ll Office Reform. [to The Editor Of The "spectator."]
Sin.—You say in the Spectator of October 18th: "It is, we confess, with a sense almost of despair that we read the Report" ; but one notes that you do not confess to a sense......
Mr,. Purcell And Cardinal Manning. [to The Editor Of The
"Srscrwroe."] Si,—In justice to the memory of the late Mr. Purcell, might I be allowed to correct a misapprehension under which your correspondent, "Cleric," seems to labour in......
Undergraduates' Rooms.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPEOTATOR.1 am not surprised that "An American Mother," writing in a recent number of the Times, is disgusted with the ahabbi. ness of undergraduates'......