1 NOVEMBER 1902, Page 8

The Girls' Empire. (A. Melrose and Co. Bs. 6d.)—"The Girls'

Empire" is not an analogous expression to "The Woman's King- dom." It means, as the sub-title puts it, that this periodical is meant for "English-Speaking Girls All Over the World." Now this is a very good ideal ; to realise it would be a very great achievement. In such a book all the Empire should be repre- sented, and the Empire is a very big place. Something, it may be said, has been attempted here, but much remains to be done. It would be an excellent thing, for instance, to establish a system of communication with all the parts of the Empire. What an interesting thing would be a description of a school-day from all the places where British schools are kept up. But there is no lack of good things to read here.—In Boys of the Empire (same publishers, 7s. 6d.) there is more of the kind of thing wanted ; anyhow, some of the contents might be improved into it. The "Champions of the Week" might serve, if they were to be sought for East and West. As it is, some foreigners, very distinguished indeed, but not of the Empire, would have to be excluded. The two magazines are good enough, but their titles promise very much,