1 SEPTEMBER 1917, Page 10


[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read, and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the apace.] THE VATICAN PEACE TERMS.

(To Ins EDITOR or THE " SPICOLITOR.") Sin,—The Tablet, commenting on the Pope's peace utterance, says the Papal letter proposes that " Germany should not merely withdraw her troops from Belgium, but also . . gunranteo her ' fall political independence as against any other Power whatever.'" The paper adds that when "Germany is asked to renew her pledge, the irony of fate can go no further." The words I have italicized apply iu a supreme degree to the Pacificist position. All Pacifieists are at one in demanding the complete restoration of Belgium, and guarantees for her future. Further, the most fervid stop-the-war advocates, who believe they possess a " special device " for preventing the recurrence of war, for the most part admit in theory that such a device must rest on a backing of force. Yet the first instrument—a guarantee—has proved worthless in effect, and the second—" force if necessary "- is Cream now in operation, and they will have none of it! Could mental perversity go further?—I am, Sir, &e., C. M. Henson. Southbourne.