Britain Versus Germany An Open Letter To Professor Eduard...
By the Right HIM. J. M. Robertson, M.P. (T. Fisher Darwin. 6d.)—Professor Meyer, who holds the Chair of History at Berlin and who is known by his erudite History of Antiquity,......
7'houghte And Feels Fur The Consideration Of The Irish...
By an Ulster Irishman/. (Belfast : W. and 0. Baird.)—Sfr. Adam Duflin, the author of this pamphlet, analyses the Nationalist scheme of Irish finance put forward by Mr. M. A.......
Plays Of Cods And Men. By Lord Dunsany. (t. Fisher
Unwin. 3s. Od. net.)—All who delight in Lord Dtmsany's strange fantastic imagination will give a warm welcome to this collection of four of his plays. In The Laughter of the......
The Tenedos Times. (allen And Unwin. 21s. Net.)—this...
amusing journal of the Mediterranean destroyer flotilla from the autumn of 1914 to the spring of 1915 will be treasured by the friends and relatives of the men who did so much......
Wo Have Received Two Thoughtful Pamphlets, Facing The...
Agriculture and. The Series Agricultural ,Situntioa. by Mr. W. W. Philip, of Gigha, Argyllshire (Dumfries : J. Maxwell. is. each), who maintains that the Corn Product ion Act,......
Observations Of An Orderly. By Ward Muir. (simpkin,...
Co. 28. 6d. net.)—Lance-Corporal Ward Muir has been serving as an orderly in the 3rd London General Hospital since the outbreak of war, and these humorous and pathetic sketches......
Education To-day And To-morrow. By P. E. Matheson. (ff....
Is 6d. net.)—These collected addresses and essays, ranging over a period of twenty years, are sanely critical, and yet hopeful. Mr. Matheson reminds teachers and parents that in......
The Manitoba Department Of Education Celebrated Empire...
23rd last, by issuing a neat little pamphlet, to be read in the schools, explaining why Empire Day is set apart to mark and impress on our minds the character, extent, and......
The Method In The Ilfadneas. By Elwyn Bevan. (e. Arnold.
5s. net.)—Mr, Bevan, whose House of Seleucus attested his high com- petence in ancient history, has turned his scholarly mind to this " fresh consideration of the case between......
A National History Of Australia And Nem Zealand. By Robert
P. Thomson. (Routledge. lOs 6d. net.)—Mr. Thornson'e history of Australia, New Zealand, and the adjacent islands from their discovery to the present day is an interesting and......
Some Books Of The Week.
Isaias is thu column does not necessarily preclude sulaspient rennue.1 A meat instructive German official Report on the defence of Cionuneemet on July let, 1916, when the bat......
War Speechec 1911-17. Collected By B. W. Ginsburg....
Is. Od. net.)—Dr. Ginsburg has put together in a handy little pamphlet eighteen of the more notable speeches made during the war, with a useful historical and critical......