Student Captives.
ITo sun Emma or THE " SPECTAT011-"I may perhaps interest some of your readers to learn—front an example—soteething of the kind of -work we hove been able to do for British......
The Boys' Brigade.
(To tae EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."' Sia, — On behalf of the Loudon Battalions of the Boys ' Brigade. I desire to make a moat earnest appeal to young men elm to-day have leisure......
German . Designs Upon Siam.
(To THE Emma or ear "Sazeraeoa."1 Sin, — As one of the few persona well acquainted with the great danger which Siam — eow ranged on the side of the Allies—ran cf passing......
Mesh Up Potatoes Boiled The Previous Day: Add A Little
milk. enough flour to bind, dripping, currants, a pinch of salt, a pinch of sugar; roll out to no inch thick, cut into round cakes, and bake in oven till a golden brown; serve......
"an American Lady. "
[To nu Emma or rue "fireorsron."1 Set,—The allusion to the delicate little warning not to tread on thin ice which is quoted in the extremely interesting article under the above......
(to The Enema Or The " Spzeronn."1 Sta, — In Response To
the inquiry of Mr. Welkin Williams. I append a recipe for potato- cakes given ma by an Irish lady, wlicsa provision of these delectable cakes was immensely appreciated by the......
Does Posterity Pay?
(To am Dorton or THE "Sexcerron."1 Sus — Your. correspondent " Inquirer " does not appear correctly to appreciate the effect of a country repudiating its.iuternal Debt. Such......
Potato Cakes.
(To THE EDITOR or IDE " SPECTATOR."' Sin, — A correspondent asks for a potato cake recipe. Whoa the urgency for economy in wheat beearno so. paramount I suggested to my cook (a......