News Of The Week.
S IR DOUGLAS EfAIG has no luck in the weather. In Flanders, as on the Somme last autumn, his operations have been sorely hindered by heavy and continuous rain, turning the......
Towards The Southern End Of Our Line, There Has Been
hot work in the Epehy sector, due east of which the Cambrai-St. Quentin Canal runs underground for a mile or two, leaving a gap in the natural defensive line formed by this......
Nevertheless, Thorn Has Loom Much Hard Fighting All Along...
line. In the Ypres sector small advances near Langemarck and fierce counter-attacks by the enemy further south on Inverness Cops; on the high ground near the Menin road, were......
On The Eastern Front, The Russian Army, Which 83021011 To
be recovering its spirit, is again showing signs of fatal insubordination. When the enemy attacked east of Czernowitz, near the Russian frontier, on Tuesday, some of the Russian......
The French Army Has Again Done Splendidly Outside Verdun. On
Friday week the French troops carried at a rush . Hill 304, west of the Mort Hamme, and thus completed the reconquest of their old first-lime positions west of the Meuse. They......
The Enemy Expected The Main Italian Attack On The Cargo,
between Gorizia and the sea. Here they massed their best troops. They failed to hold the Selo petitions, north-west of Herm iota, but their lines are naturally so formidable......
Last Week, According To The Admiralty Return, We Lost...
large merchant vessels sunk by mine or torpedo, as compared with fourteen in each of the two preceding weeks. The total losses in the four weeks of August number sixty-six, as......
The War Office Stated On Saturday Hat That The Allies
had captured from April 9th, the battle of Arras, to August 22nd, 167,780 German and Austrian prisoners. Wo took 46,155 of these, making a total of 102,218 Gorman prisoners......
The Italian Offensive Has Proved A Magnificent Success....
modestly and wisely waited for a week before announcing any definite mune, but on Saturday last he reported that Monts Santo, the lofty mountain north of Gorizia, which was the......
The Paper Shortage—we Trust That Readers Of The...
give definite orders to their newsagents for a copy of the Spectator" to be reserved for them each week till countermanded.......