ITo rait Emma or Tan " SPECTATOR.")
Sea,-1 am gratified beyond measure to know that the Government intend to give to proud though son-owing parents a memo. I ial of their fallen heroes. Your articles on the subject of war memorials generally iaterested me very much, and I have often
wondered whether some small persona] memorial of good design and workmanship could be obtained by three who are not able to afford any considerable sum. The memorial contemplated, however, will, it seems to me (as the father of one who has fallen), meet the need, and the author of the idea deserves our gratitude. It will be nice to know that the parents of all the brave boys who went out and will not come hack will share a common form cf memorial whatever their social position or status may, be, and that there will be no more difference in the recognition of their dear ones' service and death than there was in the steadfastness and sacrifice of the brave spirits. I picture, as the subject, the figure of a soldier with his back to the observer, marching steadily, painfully, doggedly onward; suggestive of the warrior's leaving his home and nil he holds dear to face the enemy for their sakes. Those who have lost their dear brave boy could look upon the figure as that of their son, and memory would picture the linea- ments turned towards Duty. Symbolic figures of Death and of Glory awaiting him could be sketehedain. Might not such a design be a simple and telling picture of the going out (the ever genre; out) of our dearest and best " for Freedom and Honour "?—I am,