M Venizelos, .in a speech lasting .over six hours, -disclosed
to the Greek- Chamber on Monday the full story of his differences with the ex-King-Constantine, which led to the. Salonika secession, and ultimately to the fall of the King. In August, 1914; he urged the King to consider the possibility of war with Turkey, in -con- junction with the Allies, provided that Bulgaria's eo-operation or neutrality could_be purchased, even at the price of ceding Kavalla. But the .Kingwas resolved to .consider the interests of -Germany before those of Greece, and, for his brother-in-law's sake, betrayed Serbia and abandoned the Greeks in Turkey to their fate. When M. Venizelos protested that he had the Greek people with him in desiring to fulfil the treaty obligations to-Serbia, the King-replied that in great questions of national importance and irsloreign affairs he was responsible to God alone.