1 SEPTEMBER 1939, Page 18

'Ware Wire

Such conversion of the beach into private property is not the only barrier to the charm of that part of Sussex which suffers very much as Hampshire suffers. On one side of the same creek a right-of-way has, it appears, been established. The path lying a little way back from high water, between " the desert and the sown," would be delectable, but is quite unpleasant. It has been walled in by a fence of strong mesh wire, well over six feet in height. Imagine a country walk so barricaded] We all know that people have no liberty to block a right-of-way. Are they free to make it disagreeable? So to spoil one of the few pleasant walks is to do a grievous injury to the locality as well as to the visitors. It becomes less attractive, less popular. In most inland districts you can walk about freely even when there is no labelled right of way, no established path. Why should the seaside, where as a rule cultivation is much less intensive and important, be accepted as an exception to the custom that in large measure makes England what it is. The beautiful and most readable county magazine has a standard heading, S.O.S., or Save Our Sussex. There is strong need for the signal in regard to the coast line and creeks of Western Sussex. Not only the Downs are worth saving.