People And Things
By HAROLD NICOLSON H UMAN beings, when tuning themselves to resist great ordeals with placid resolution, become unduly sensitive to minor irritations ; the concentration of all......
Not That I Am Among Those Who Seek To Diminish
the importance, at this tremendous juncture, of the Russo- German pact. The nightmare which has for so many years haunted the sleep of our own Foreign Office officials has at......
As I Write These Words The Twilight Of Peace Still
lingers in the west. On Saturday night it was feared that a German aggression on Poland was a matter of hours only. Nothing happened. Anxiety was renewed on Sunday night when......
How Fatal, Even To His Own Plans And Purposes, Must
be such violent inconsistency! Herr Hitler may well have been sincere in stating that he did not desire war with France or Great Britain but wished only to deal with his Polish......
Although I Believe That This May Be The Effect Of
Herr Hitler's revolutionary policy, I do not believe that it was the intention. He hoped, by this sudden change in the balance of power, either to induce France and Great......
It Is This Difference Of Conception Which, To My Mind,
is fundamental to the present conflict. It is true that we are fighting to maintain our own position as a Great Power, our own possessions, and eventually our own independence.......
I Have Tried To Analyse The Causes Of My Disproportionate
anger. It is not due, I think, to mortification at the defeat administered to our own diplomacy. Still less, I trust, is it due to any personal prejudice against Herr von......