1 SEPTEMBER 1939, page 25
Swift The Churchman Jonathan Swift, Dean And Pastor. By...
Wyse Jackson , LL.D. (S.P.C.K. 6s.) THE imprint and sub-title of the Rev. Robert Jackson's short study of Swift suggest that it was written with a special public in view and,......
Twenty Years On
Sketch of a School. By Cheironax. (Heinemann. 5s.) GIVEN L250,000, and zo years to spend it in, required to found " a novel organisation with all the merits of the modern Public......
Politics And Economics In Russia
Towards an Understanding of the U.S.S.R. By M. Florinsky. (Macmillan. sos. 6d.) ONE of the virtues of this exposition of the political and economic structure of the Soviet Union......