Country Life
A GOOD number of English places are acquiring names in very unorthodox ways. They are christened and labelled by private persons, without reference to any public authority. The......
A Restocked Sanctuary
The greatest of all the English sanctuaries is, I hear, re- covering rather more quickly than was expected from the inroad of the sea. This flooding disaster that did so much......
A Forbidden Beadh
A more than nominal objection may be raised against another notice in the same neighbourhood. It announces that " this field and the beach are private property." Such exclu-......
More Paths
A paean on the habit of walking, or, as he agreeably calls it, of foot-faring, reaches me from Hampshire, accompanied with a plea for more footpaths. My correspondent, who has......
A Question Of Wagtils What Happens To The Wagtails That
are apt to desert our lawns and gardens in autumn? One observer who has kept records notes that they usually disappear for about a month. In his garden a brood of four was......
'ware Wire
Such conversion of the beach into private property is not the only barrier to the charm of that part of Sussex which suffers very much as Hampshire suffers. On one side of the......
In The Garden
A good many gardeners perhaps would grow a great many more plants from seed if they realised how quick the results may be. Even such a shrub as a gorse will flower the first......