The Home Market
By Major G. Harrison and F. C. Mitchell This admirable " book of facts about people " (Allen and Unwin, I2S. 6d.) was first evolved for the guidance of adver- tisers, but deservedly gained the appreciation of a wider public. Readers found in its pages the most essential information about the social structure of the country, boiled down and pre- sented with a maximum of simplicity and pleasant effect by diagrams and pictorial symbols, backed by a text of the most commendable clarity, point and freedom from jargon. Now, three years later, it has been revised, enlarged and brought up to date ; and once again it is to be expected that a warm public welcome will greet it. The charts and tables range in subject matter from population present and future (with its age-grouping, geographical distribution, and division into families) through the " social pyramid " (graded by incomes and calculated for the different regions of the country) ; through indices of local prosperity and depression ; occupations, industrial output, distribution of wealth, national expenditure, average earnings throughout a wide range of industries ; the distribution of family expenditure between different needs (with special attention to food budgets), and finally to the regional distribution and coverage of the Press ; this last being the only item indicating the original and narrower purpose of the book. The charts and their explanatory text are supplemented by lists of sources from which information may be sought on material " unsuitable for inclusion in the main body of this handbook because of the rapidity with which it becomes out of date." It remains to be added that the printing, lay-out and general production of the book are of a very high standard indeed, making it a real pleasure to consult it. Compilers, editor, and publishers deserve congratulation, and one may hope that successive editions will continue to appear triennially if not oftener.