STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING.—There has been but little variety of prices, and no remarkable excitement, in the course of the week. This day, the Consol Market opened flat at 811 ; and soon after it went down *. The news of the satisfactory issue of the general division on the French Address afterwards gave a stimulus to the Market, and Consols rose to 82. They leave off at 81i to 82 for the account. Exchequer Bills are 9s. to I Is. premium.
SATURDAY, Noost.—Consols are now at 8Ii and 82. Very little doing.
Bank Stock .... 198 9* Buenos Ayres... — Spanish.. 12i 13 3 per Cent. Red. 82a Chilian . ... 17 19 Ditto, New 11 f
3 per Cent. Cons. 81,i Colombian . 10 12
SHARES. ' Consols for Acct. 61* 2 Danish...... .. 609 It 3* per Cent. New 89i Greek....... .. 19 21 Bolanos.. . 120 130
Long Annuities 16i 17 Mexican • • • • • 37 Brazilian . 48 50
Bills, 1000/.9 Ii Peruvian ....... 10 12 Columbian . 7 S India Bonds par to 2.5. pm. Portuguese ..... 47* 48* Anglo Mexican 17 19 Brazilian... 43* 4 Russian. ..... .• 92.1- United Mexican 5