The Church.
On Saturday last, the Rev.R. Bligh, B.D. Fellow of St. JOhn's College, Cam- bridge, was instituted to the Rectory of Cocklield, Suffolk, on the presentation of the Master and......
The Universities, Oxford.
Auo. 20.--The Rev. F. A. Dawson, M.A. of Brasennose College, and Curate of Bicester, is appointed, by the Very Rev. the Archdeacon, a Surrogate for the grant' sag of Marriage......
East India Shipping.
Arrived. In the Downs, Aug. 19th, Nancy, Pryce, from New South Wales. In the - Channel, Royal Sovereign, Thompson ; Columbian, Brown ; and Samuel Brown, Read; from the......
Postscript To The Week's News.
THE WEATHER.—The temperature has been decidedly lower since the thunder-storm of Wednesday ; the atmosphere has been clearer, and the air more elastic and bracing. Last night,......
The Army.
WAit-OFFICR, August 16.-2nd Regiment of Life Guards : Captain Ho- liOnrob■e W. E. Fitz-Maurice, from Unattached, to be Captain vice Kinlock, appointed to the 68th......
Goodwood Races.—these Sports Have Not Been Graced By The...
of Royalty as was anticipated. His Majesty excused himself on ac- count of the arrival of the Duke of Saxe Meiningen. Great was the disappointment. Tuesday. August 16. The......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the .5th inst. at Great Myless, the Viscountess CulerWYND, of a daughter. On the 10th inst. at Edinburgh, Lady ELIZARETII THACKEIZAV, of a daughter. On the 7th inst.......
The Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING.—There has been but little variety of prices, and no remarkable excitement, in the course of the week. This day, the Consol Market opened flat at......