The Musical Festivals.
Ws have often expressed our opinion of the importance of these provincial meetings as connected with the advancement of our national taste. London is the school in which our......
Novelties Of The English Opera.
TRULY the English Opera is possessed. Its green-room has become a Pandemonium. Lucifer is star of the ascendant. Every season develops some new attribute or appearance of the......
State Of The Opera C0ncert-r00)1.—in Addition To The...
we threw out last week respecting the future management of the King's Theatre, we wish to add a word upon one of its branches, which needs, and will repay, revision and reform.......
Public Accounts.
DR. BOWEING'S Report on the Public Accounts of France has been in our possession two or three weeks, during which Ice have occasionally turned over its ample pages.* Into the......
Cnorataa.—at Riga This Dreadful Disease Has Nearly...
broken out at Vienna, but it excites little fear them The people are well fed and lodged ; and the cholera is a great respecter of respectable people.......