We Have Received A Pamphlet By Captain Woodley, In Answer
to some observations on 'this (Captain WOODLEY'S) System of the Universe." We are unlucky in never having before heard of the said system. We perceive, from the pages before us,......
The Reverend Mr. Bloom's Pulpit Oratory In The Time Of
James the First is not exactly what its titlepage would pretend. It is, in fact, the publication for the first time of a volume of rural discourses, preached in that reign by a......
Mr. Salmon, The Author Of A Valuable Treatise On The
diseases .of the Rectum, has published an additional volume on Prolaprus Ani. The cases are not calculated for public discussion, but the value of these works is such, that we......
Fine Arts.
POLITICAL CARICATURES. IN nothing has the progress of refinement been more remarkable than in the improved temper and point of the weapons of satire. Those of the old warfare......
The Twenty-third Number Of The Family Library Is A Family
Tour through South Holland. It appears to have occupied seven persons twenty-eight days, and to have cost one hundred and thirty-eight pounds. The party were home to dinner,......
Love, A Poem, By The Author Of The Very Clever
Rhymes on the Corn-Laws, is a sounding composition. It reads as if the author thumped the table at the end of every energetic verse. But it is far too vague and grand for our......
Both The Works Under The Head Of Fiction This Week,
are pictures a Red Indian life by American writers. The Last of the Mohicans is a well-known and admirable view of the principles which guided and the feelings which animated......
New Books.
'LEGISLATION, Jeremy Bentham on Death - Punishment COLONIAL POLICY, Crawfurd's Letters from British Settlers in India.... ..... TRAVELS, Fowler's Tour in the State of New York......