The Twenty-third Number of the Family Library is a Family
Tour through South Holland. It appears to have occupied seven persons twenty-eight days, and to have cost one hundred and thirty-eight pounds. The party were home to dinner, which had been duly ordered before they set out, and which we have the satis- faction of hearing was done to a turn. Any family, with one month and a hundred and fifty pounds to spare, may do the same. Colonel BATTY will supply them with designs for any tour in Europe ; and if the man-servant is well educated, he may keep the journal. Which of the party drew up this account Of the month's tour, we know not. It is creditably done, the more especially if the work of the courier. It is a pretty accurate account of the appearance of things from Antwerp to Amsterdam, and thence to Francfort up the Rhine, and back through Belgium,—a well-beaten track. We see nothing that has not been told ten thousand times ; there is, however, no harm in the ten thousand and first time.