WE have quoted elsewhere an edifying conversation between the LORD CHANCELLOR and Sir EDWARD SUGDEN, on the determi- nation of the former to get through the business of his court with all due despatch. Sir EDWARD grudges the continued labour of pleading, but he is sturdily opposed to the relinquishment of his fees ; he will give up the attendance, but he will not listen to any proposition for giving up his briefs. And why does he complain of the drudgery of Chancery ? He has so much to do elsewhere —he is so taken up with the Reform Bill, that he cannot attend to his clients! Now we think it must be pretty evident, that if it were not for his clients, Sir EDWARD would have little opportunity for the display of that oratory which he deems so essential to the pub- lic, but which the public so ungratefully receive. To cut his clients, is to kill the goose whose eggs have made him a Parliament-man. If he would keep his honours, he would do well to stick to his trade. The veriest Tory in England will not give him five-and-twenty guineas to defend his right in Chancery, and deem himself remu- nerated by a defence of St. Mawes in the House of Commons.