THE KIND AND HIS COI:MT.—The retired Emperor of Brazil and
his amiable spouse paid a visit to the King and Queen at Windsor on Mon- day, pour prendre wage previous to proceeding to Paris. Their Majes- ties gave a splendid collation on the occasion to their royal visitors.
On Wednesday, their Majesties came to town. The King held a levee soon after he arrrived ; when the following introductions took place.
Mr. W. G. Lettsom, on being appointed vice and promotion, by the Hon. Capt. Attache to the mission at Berlin, by Barrington.
Viscount Palmerston. Lieut.-Col. Dunce. Royal Marines, on Viscount Northland, on his return from promotion, by Major-Gen. Sir James Ireland. Cockburn.
Mr. Duel:, by Lord Clinton. Cornet Molyneux, on his appointment to Vice-Admiral Sir J. Gore, K.C.B., on his the Royal Dragoons, by his father appointment, by Sir James Graham. Lieut.-Gen. Molyneux.
Capt. S. Price, R.N. on return from ser- Mr. K. Douglas, M.P. by Col. Wood.
Soon after the levee, their Majesties left town for Windsor.
To-day, the King holds a grand investiture of the Garter, for the pur- pose of admitting the Prince Saxe Meiningen, the Queen's brother, as a Knight of the order.
Tua QUEEN OF PORTMAI..—In 1828, when Donna Maria was last here, a subscription was entered into by the Portuguese residents, to present to her Majesty a sceptre and a copy of the Constitution, as a mark of their loyal attachment. No opportunity occurred of fulfilling the wishes of the subscribers, until Monday ; when the deputation ap- pointed in 182n were favoured with an interview with their youthful mistress, at the Clarendon Hotel. The sceptre, Nrhielt was made by Messrs. Storr and Mortimer, of Bond Street, is of pure gold, with em- blems appropriate to the occasion, and has, on the upper part, the Por- tuguese arms, resting on the Constitutional Charter. The Constitutional. Charter, printed on large vellum paper, was bound in green silk velvet, with the arms of Portugal on one side, and the initials of the Queen (M. II.) on the other ; it was superbly embroidered in gold. The Queen, and her father and mother, left town for Paris on Tuesday.