[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR'] the brief notice of
4 ‘Rettil.for which I thank you, I would
observe that no person who had done me the honour to read a couple of consecutive pages, much less chapters, could have de- scribed the adventures as those of children "in a London Street ;" there is no hint that any of them ever went to London at all.— I am, Sir, &c., H. R. Hawers, New University Club, St. James's Street, S. W.
[It was a carelessness, which we regret, to speak of a "London street," but it is nevertheless true that the reviewer read not only two but many consecutive pages. He read, for instance, the "Chemical Lecture," extending over more than thirty pages, in which there is nothing to fix the scene in town or country.—En. Spectator.]