The Act Of Uniformity.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Professor Max Muller's lecture in Westminster Abbey bids fair to stir up a question which many of the clergy would gladly see settled,—I......
Prussia And Rome.
go THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.) SIR,—In your last article on the Prussian Government's policy towards the Roman Church, you ask :—."Why should we not have a popular movement......
Letters To The Editor.
THEOLOGY LX THE BRAHMO SOMAJ. MO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPROTATOI."1 cannot but think that you have unintentionally done con- siderable injustice to Mr. Max Muller by the......
The Declaration On Confession.
(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR, —It always strikes me as a cardinal blunder in discussions like this of the recent Declaration referred to in your last number that they......