Mr. Bright Has Always Been Too Sensitive To Personal Attack,
but we have hardly ever known him so little equal to himself as in his reply the other day to a letter from a Hyde gentleman, who informed him that a clergyman of Hyde, the Rev.......
The Times Appears To Have Suddenly Discovered That Our...
ment last week as to the false interpretation put on the recent appointments of the Government, as though they implied a breach with Catholic statesmen, was true, and rather......
Mr. Winterbotham, The Member For Stroud And Under-...
the Home Department, died at Rome on the 13th inst., in the thirty-seventh year of his age. We have de- scribed his character and place in politics elsewhere, but must add .here......
Mr. Stansfeld Made A Speech At Liverpool On Thursday, Con-
taining some very telling points. He defended his measure for completing the incidence of the taxation upon land,—that is, for abolishing all exemptions,—as an inevitable one,......
The Telegrams Have Two Or Three Times Contained...
a bargain made between the French Government and the Empress Eugenie, but they are always different. Now she was to receive something very like an annuity, and then a vote was......
The Dutch Troops Have Landed Near Acheen, Under Cover Of
the fire of the fleet, and without very severe loss, the Malays, no' doubt, objecting to shells they could not throw back. The troops were in good condition, though cholera had......
The Only News From The Gold Coast This Week Is
that Captain Glover has proposed to lead the force he has organised on the Volta to Coomassie, but had been ordered by Sir Garnet Wolse- ley to remain, and wait till he himself......
The Virginius Has At Last Been Given Up To The
Americans.. She was towed out of Ilavannah on Friday, the 12th inst., and delivered up by the Spanish sloop Favorita at Bahia Honda. The remainder of the crew have also been......
The United States' Budget Will This Year Show The Rather
severe deficit of /6,000,000, produced mainly by the action of Congress in taking off taxes, while the Treasury fears that the deficit of next year may be even greater. The......