Mr. Winterbotham, the Member for Stroud and Under- Secretary for
the Home Department, died at Rome on the 13th inst., in the thirty-seventh year of his age. We have de- scribed his character and place in politics elsewhere, but must add .here that he was remarkable, among other' qualitiesof a different character, for his determined attachment to music and his de- fence of it as a means of instruction. He made a speech upon that subject in the Commons, which produced a great effect, though it dropped dead owing to the new and discreditable newspaper rule of not reporting after 12 o'clock. He will be succeeded by Mr. Hibbert, a painstaking youth of about 49, now Under-Secretary to the local Board ; and he by Lord Morley, a Peer being required to fight the new County Taxation Bill through the Lords. The Earl's few speeches hitherto have left the impression of' a strong man greatly depressed by the heavy though perfumed atmosphere through which he has to strike. 'The seat for Stroud is to be contested by a Mr. Dorington, a local J.P. apparently, and Sir Henry Havelock; V.C.;LLa gdrid soldier, who broke up Koer Singh's flying army by the original device of carrying his Infantry on borset —who is a Dissenter,
thotigh a Moderate one, who will Straight, excePt perhapa on service questions—at least that 4's our interpretation of hin reserve about independence---and'ivIto is, above all, his father's. son. That seat we should say is safe.