Mr. Bright Has Always Been Too Sensitive To Personal Attack,
but we have hardly ever known him so little equal to himself as in his reply the other day to a letter from a Hyde gentleman, who informed him that a clergyman of Hyde, the Rev.......
Glory. Sir John Kerslake, The Attorney-general Of Mr....
Administration, was a very popular Tory candidate in a borough where a contest had been hopeless under the old electoral law, and where it was not even thought of in the......
The High-church Party Have Failed In Their Application To...
Consistory Court of the Diocese of London for a faculty authorising the erection of a baldacchino, or canopy, over the Communion- table of St. Barnabas's, Pimlico. The ground on......
Archdeacon Denison Has Again Been Distinguishing Himself...
character. At a large meeting of the English Church Union, held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Tuesday, he declared his belief that little good would come of the Church of England......
Little Has Been Heard Of The Bengal Famine This Week,
except that no rain has fallen, that prices are no lower, that the situation is unchanged, and that Sir Bartle Frere believes the calamity will be of tremendous extent. The......
The Pope Has Informed The Papal Nuncio In Paris (mon-
seigneur Chigi), the Archbishop of Paris (Monseigneur Gnibert), and the Archbishop of Cambray (Monseigneur Regnier), that they are to be elevated to the dignity of Cardinals.......
Mr. Shaw-lefevre Has Been Making A Somewhat Similar,...
grave mistake, in his reply to the Pall Mall's attack on the Admiralty for buying of the Union Company the Briton,' a very slow steamer, for the service of transporting stores......