20 DECEMBER 1873, Page 2

The only news from the Gold Coast this week is

that Captain Glover has proposed to lead the force he has organised on the Volta to Coomassie, but had been ordered by Sir Garnet Wolse- ley to remain, and wait till he himself with his white troops was on his way. Sir Garnet is stated to be recovering, and as the troop-ships Himalaya and Tamar, with the Rifle Brigade, the Royal Welsh Fusiliers, the Royal Engineers and Artillery, had arrived off Cape Coast Castle, there would be little delay. The whole Fantee population has been impressed, under penalty of the lash, to cut the road by which Sir Garnet is to advance, while Captain Glover, with his negro army, moves diagonally to his support. There is some evidence of jealousy between the British Com- mander-in-Chief and Captain. Glover, -who, it should be remem- bered, is Political Commissioner to all native tribes, but it can be of little importance. Sir Garnet is quite supreme, though of course responsible for any failure to use resources at his disposal, and will march, we doubt not, as straight as Lord Napier did. Should he have a relapse, which, we hope, is improbable, as the weather is getting better, the full command will devolve. upon Sir Archibald Alison.