The Life and Habits of Wild Animals. Illustrated by Designs
by Joseph Wolf; engraved by J. W. and Edward Whymper. With descrip- tive Letter-press by Daniel Girand Elliot, F.L.S. (Macmillan.)—The .spirit and vigour of these drawings of wild animals by Mr. Wolf are something marvellous. There is not one of these twenty engravings which is not in itself worth long study. Look at that fish-hawk, for instance (plate 5), with the shower of water falling from its wings as it flies up to its young on the inaccessible island with a fish in its mouth ; what motion as well as beauty there is in its expanded wings, every feather of which is displayed Or again, look at the fight between the crocodile and the tiger; what rage and horror there is in the tiger's eyes as, in drinking, he finds himself seized by his unexpected foe! No
engravings se forcible of wild animalaand their fearful predatory habits have we ever had the 'chance before to see. The letteripreas'of the book is lively, and such as is needed to give full effect to the genius of Mr. Wolf's drawings. • -