That a secret organization for murder is attached to the
Sinn Fein movement is of course beyond a doubt. The special correspondent of the Morning Post in the issue of last Saturday made some quotations from the organ of the Irish Volunteers which circulates secretly. This paper says, for example :— " The soldiers and police of the invader are liable to Le treated exactly as invading enemy soldiers would be treated by the native army of any country. In particrlar, any police- man, soldier, judge, warder, or official, from the English Lord- Lieutenant downwards, must be made to understand that. it is not wise for him to distinguish himself by undue zeal in the service of England in Ireland nor in his opposition to the Irish Republic."
If that is not an incitement to murder and a justification of murder, it means nothing. A proclamation recently posted in Tipperary by " order of the competent military authority "- that is, the competent military authority as recognized by the
Irish Volunteers—said :-
" There must be no informers in this generation. There must be no communication with the Royal Irish Constabulary. The members of this infamous force act as spies for England on their own countrymen rightly struggling to be free. They are traitors as well as spies and should be treated as traitors desen e."
That is another incitement to murder. Otherwise it has no meaning.