Brigadier-general Dyer Opened Fire Upon An Unarmed Mass...
5,000 people who were holding a meeting in a sunk garden at Amritsar, and did not stop firing till he, as he said, " ran short of ammunition." We do not wish in any way to come......
A Deep Impression Has Been Produced By The Surprising...
of how the revolt was stopped at Amritsar last April. It is strange and most regrettable that no full account should have been published in this country till now. As we......
The Negotiations At Copenhagen Between Mr. O'grady And...
Litvinoff for an exchange of British and Bolshevik prisoners have not yet had any result. It seems as if the Bol- sheviks hoped to use the meeting as a means of obtaining recog-......
The Special Correspondent Of The Morning Post Gave In Tues-
day's paper some further examples of the Sinn Fein literature which popularizes murder. The most remarkable of all is a song with the refrain, " Pop goes a Peeler." The refrain......
M. Clemenceau Visited London At The End Of Last Week
to confer with Mr. Lloyd George and with American, Italian, and Japanese representatives. As to the result of their Conference all that we know on Thursday when we go to press......
The Latest Exploit Of The Sinn Feiners Was A Raid
on a Cork railway station on Tuesday night. A large gang of armed and disguised men took possession of the premises, imprisoned the night staff, and searched the goods yard.......
Although All This Must Be Said In Fairness, And Although
it may be perfectly true that General Dyer prevented a new Mutiny, we are at present inclined to believe that General Dyer lost his head. It is a fact that he had had Procla-......
The General Election Held In The Australian Commonwealth...
resulted in favour of the Nationalists and Farmers supporting Mr. Hughes against the Labour Party. The Nationalists, according to the latest returns, retain thirty-eight seats......
One Of The Worst Examples Of Indirect Encouragement...
to murderers was the comment of Bishop Fogarty that the outrage committed against Mr. O'Brien's shooting party was only done for fun, or, to use his exact reported words, that......
Mr. Chamberlain Announced On Monday That The Govern- Ment...
adopt the main proposals made by Lord Cunliffe's Committee on Currency. The chief of these is the proposal to restrict future issues of currency notes in any year to the maximum......
Germany Replied This Week To The Allied Note Requiring Her
to give compensation for the ships of war scuttled at Scapa Flow. While maintaining her obviously mendacious contention that Admiral von Reuter did not act under orders from......