Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this adman does not necessarily proolsds subsequent regime.] The new Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Manchester (Longmans, 2s.), contains, among other important......
Works Of Referenoe.—the Aerial Year Book, 1920 (cross-...
Service, 4s. net) is the first issue of an annual which will doubtless become increasingly useful as well as readable. Lord Northcliffe in a Preface describes it as " a......
Were You Ever A Child ! By Floyd Dell. (new
York : Alfred A. Knopf.)--" We have all been educated, and just look at us!" This is the keynote of Mr. Floyd Dell's book. He is not a professional educationist, but speaks as......
The Publishing Family Of Rivington. By Septimus...
net.)—A family which has been connected with the publishing trade for two centuries deserves to have its history recorded with the care that Mr. Rivington has bestowed upon this......
Gift - Books.
ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. MB. ARTHUR T. Bourox has greatly enlarged and improved, in a, new edition, Miss Evelyn March Philippe's well-known book on The Gardena of Italy (Country Life,......