WORKS OF REFERENOE.—The Aerial Year Book, 1920 (Cross- Atlantic Newspaper
Service, 4s. net) is the first issue of an annual which will doubtless become increasingly useful as well as readable. Lord Northcliffe in a Preface describes it as " a milestone on the road towards successful commercial aviation." It opens with a glossary, and proceeds to deal with the various aspects of aviation in a very practical manner. At the end are some interesting air-photographs. —T he Churchman' s Year Book, 1920 (Mowbray, 2s. 6d. net), now in its twelfth year, consists in part of biographies and in part of general information, classified under headings alphabetically. The progress of the Enabling Bill, for example, and the present state of the Church in Wales are described under the appropriate rubrics. It is a convenient and accurate book of reference.—Burdett's Hospitals and Charities, 1919, by Sir Henry Burdett (Scientific Press, 12s. 6d. net), is in its thirtieth year, and deals with the audited hospital and charity accounts of 1917. It is, as usual, edited with great care. Attention is drawn to the fact that the incomes of the charities were increasing up to 1917.