The Revised Estimates For The Air Foroe, Which Were...
last Saturday, show a reduction of twelve and a half millions on the original Estimates of March last, and now stand at fifty-four millions. The strength of the Force will be......
It Was Stated In The Times Of Last Saturday That
there had been a marked decrease in the number of men and women styling themselves " unemployed " sine* the unemployment dole was discontinued on November 28th. The decrease was......
More Important Was The Statement Made By Mr. Bradshaw,...
the building trades operatives, who, when the trade was appealed to by Mr. Lloyd George to further a scheme which after all was intended purely to benefit manual workers,......
The London Municipal Society Has Published Some Facts...
what use is being made in some places of the Labour victories at the last London Borough Council elections. The Poplar Borough Council has decided that in granting increases of......
Fifteen Thousand One Hundred Pounds Were Paid At...
on Tuesday for a little volume containing early editions of Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis and The Passionate Pilgrim. The Venus and Adonis was the only known copy of the fourth......
It Is Comforting To Learn From The Bulletin Of The
Imperial Institute that there is no reason to fear a scarcity of wheat. Even if Russia exports none, there should be wheat• enough for all, because North and South America,......
Bank Rate, 6 Per Cent.,changed From 5 Per Cent. Ncv.
6, 1919.......
Mr. Balfour, Presiding On Friday Week At A Conference Called
by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, wisely reminded his audience that there is no short cut to great results. Science cannot be applied to industry with......
Mr. Lloyd George Said Nothing In His Speech At The
conference held by the Building Trades Industrial Council on Tuesday that he had not already told the public. As in former speeches, he tried to put as bold a face as he could......
The Government's Economic Measures Have Fared Badly. The...
Bill, to limit the coal-owners' profit to fourteen- pence a ton, came up for second reading on Thursday week, but it was attacked so violently by all parties that Mr. Boner Law......
The Well-known Indian Man Of Science, Sir Jagadis Chaudu....
exhibited his " orescograph " to Mr. Balfour and others at the India Office on Tuesday. The " oresoograph " is a mag- netic and optical device for measuring the growth of......
Mr. Chamberlain Announced On Monday That The Govern- Ment...
adopt the main proposals made by Lord Cunliffe's Committee on Currency. The chief of these is the proposal to restrict future issues of currency notes in any year to the maximum......