[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—I often sympathize with clergymen situated in remote districts throughout Ireland. who have not access to literature informing them of the current news of the day. I have recently written to a number of those so situated in the county of Cork, offering to send them free a copy of your paper for twelve months, and have had most appreciative replies stating how glad they would be to avail themselves of this offer. Many have mentioned that they have heard your paper well spoken of, but have only seen it occasionally. It may be a gratification to you to knew that, as a constant reader for a great many years, I selected the Spectator to send them as I believe you understand the Irish question better than any other English paper that Las come within my reach. I am instructing your manager to carry out my order, aled perhaps knowledge of the fact might induce others to do likewise in their immediate districts.—I am,