WOODSPRING PRIORY (The last Christmas, 1535.) Burma and honey shall he eat.
His lips may taste no common food. But this shall be his daily meat—
To know the evil and choose the good.
Ths faggots on the Frater hearth Crackle to hear the Choir go by. Our brothers in the Centry Garth Lie with their faces to the sky.
The snow has powdered their burial sod, Our Lady leaves us still to sing " The heavens declare the glory of God " And Blessed Christ's Incarnating.
O Blessed Christ, bring this to pass, That wo who live again to hear The Abbot sing the Cock-crow Maas May walk with Thee another year.
The night-air through the Cloister-walk Comes frostier from the frozen clod, And still the silent company talk,
The heavens declare the glory of God.
To-night the dead and living meet, The creature cries from field and wood.
Butter and honey shall he eat, Shall know the evil and choose the good.
J. M. P.